Examples of AI Being Used with Mobile Education
Tutoring & Training
ALTA by Knewton
A mobile-friendly, adaptive learning platform for students with high quality OER that is able to diagnose and remediate learning gaps in realtime.
The video on the left highlights how Alta can be integrated into courses. The narrator states that this does not take away the role of the instructor, who maintains complete control of what their students learn. Would you agree? Does such a platform undermine or enhance your role as an educator?
Realtime Q&A: Chatbots
Goel on Jill Watson (TED)
In the age of instant gratification, and fairly advanced technology, getting realtime responses to questions anytime, anywhere is no longer a dream.
Various educational institutions use chatbots to decrease repetitive tasks and increase student engagement. Chatbots use adaptive machine learning and extrapolate responses from a sample or database of prior responses.
Ashok Goel, a Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence professor at Georgia Tech, was overwhelmed with answering routine questions from his students in class as well as his online course. Even with his teaching assistants (TA's) involved, he struggled to keep up with the volume of queries posted at all times of the day.
To counter this, Goel designed Jill Watson from IBM's Watson (the AI bot that won Jeopardy! against human champions in 2011). What eventually made Jill successful was the access to real queries from previous runs of the course and Goel's own experience and in-depth knowledge of the course.
Realtime Data Collection: Sensors
Monitoring Student Engagement
Facial recognition technology, EEG, and realtime data collection allows teachers and parents to track student engagement and concentration levels during lessons.
This Wall Street Journal video of the "experiment" in China with AI addresses issues with privacy concerns. Students also state the added pressure of always being attentive or risk being reprimanded by their parents.
What other ethical concerns can you think of?
Other Examples:
Ventures by Content Technologies Inc.
MATHiaU by Carnegie Learning
Microsoft Translator, using Azure Cognitive Services
Course content with realtime feedback and assessment capabilities by Netex Learning
Autonomous speech recognition by Nuance Enterprise
Virtual Learning Assistants by Cognii
(McNeill, 2018)