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Understanding AI & Mobile Education

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(Ng, Padmanabhan & Cole, 2019, AI versus machine learning versus deep learning)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The definition of AI remains a work in progress, and no single universal definition exists. However, a working definition by Ng, Padmanabhan & Cole (2019) captures the essence of what AI does:


"AI is the capability that can be embedded into machines that allows machines to perform tasks that are characteristic of human intelligence."


These tasks can be visual, auditory, or linguistic; machines are able to recognize objects, sounds, and languages (e.g. Siri, Alexa, Google Home)

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Machine Learning (ML)

Although occasionally used interchangeably, ML is considered to be a subset of AI.


It is an approach to AI where clusters of code and data are used by the system to achieve AI, i.e. the machine uses large amounts of varied data that serves as example algorithms to "learn" how to respond to similar scenarios.


Examples of ML in everyday cases: weather forecasting, categorizing junk email and suggesting similar products to buy. Can you think of more examples?

Deep Learning (DL)

DL is a further subset (and a special case) of Machine Learning.


It emulates neural networks in the human brain to create a layered network of algorithms that can be trained to solve specific problems.


A current example of deep learning in practice is self-driving cars. Where else do you see DL currently or potentially?


Something to think about: if we do not clearly know how the brain works and how we think, can we design and train machines to do so? To quote Alan Turing, "Can machines think?"

Mobile Learning (m-Learning)

Very generally, m-Learning involves the use of portable electronic devices, with a wireless connection, to extend learning beyond the walls of a classroom.


As its name suggests, it enables mobility and flexibility of learning.


m-Learning has been viewed as a form of distance learning, an extension to e-Learning and/or a different form of flexible learning in mobile situations.


As highlighted in subsequent sections, AI enhances the flexibility and convenience of mobile education.



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