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Future Potential

Some goals to consider for the future of AI in mobile education include, but are not limited to:

  • predictive learning and teaching with attention to mental health, physical and emotional well-being;

  • skill enhancement: identify strengths and improve limitations; predict problems and generate solutions in time;

  • address inequalities, ensure inclusivity and ethical use of AI.


(Queensland Brain Institute, n.d.)

Final Comments:


As a high school teacher in a public setting, a fully integrated AI in each classroom may be years away, but those years are melting away at a faster rate than ever anticipated. The applications of AI currently in use are highly specialized and mostly able to excel in one aspect of education only. Grammarly, for example, can detect errors in writing and suggest corrections, but will not be able to solve differential Calculus equations, no matter how well it "learns" or how good it is at grammar. Thus, the prospects of a more universal AI is an idea for a future project - an AI in the form of a mobile app that guides students through their academics and physical fitness, monitors mental health and wellbeing, and develops strategies for improvements and alerts others in times of concern. I imagine an AI in my Chemistry lab that can suggest reactions and assess danger based on the reactants being used and the experimental procedure being implemented. An AI that can guide students through troubleshooting their research projects, without giving away the solutions, while ensuring high levels of engagement and motivation. One that can enable global collaboration and access to databases for data analysis and problem-solving on a global scale. The AI should protect data, work ethically, and be accessible to all. The question is, is ethical AI possible? And are we ready for a "super" intelligence?



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